The Landing of Queensbury - Quensbury, NY
The Landing of Queensbury
27 Woodvale Road
Queensbury, NY 12804
Phone: (518) 793-5556
Fax: (518) 793-9863

Welcome to The Landing of Queensbury where we provide assisted living for seniors who want to maintain as much independence as possible. All of our services are tailored to our residents' individual needs, and their loved ones will have peace of mind knowing that they'll get all the personalized care they need.

is one of the nation's leading providers of assisted living services. It operates the Landing as well as residences in 25 states and Canada. Emeritus subscribes to the Assisted Living Federation of America's 10-point philosophy of care.

Offering cost-effective quality care that is personalized for individual needs
Fostering independence for each resident
Treating each resident with dignity and respect
Promoting the individuality of each resident
Allowing each resident choice of care and lifestyle
Protecting each resident's right to privacy
Nurturing the spirit of each resident
Involving family and friends, as appropriate, in care planning implementation
Providing a safe, residential environment
Making the assisted living residence a valuable community asset

Wegman Companies Inc., which built and owns the Landing, has been developing assisted living facilities for 30 years and, like Emeritus, has achieved a reputation for providing high-quality service and accommodations.

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