ElderWood Assisted Living at Tioga
ElderWood Assisted Living at Tioga
44 Ball Street
Waverly, NY 14892
Phone: 607.565.6216
Fax: 607.565.6262

ElderWood Assisted Living

An Independent Lifestyle With Personal Attention

At ElderWood, our assisted living experience enables all residents to live their lives to the fullest. We combine the appropriate level of care and attention with the independent lifestyle residents desire.

An assisted living community is not a nursing home or retirement community. This special level of care offers a better alternative for those individuals who need some assistance with activities of daily living, but still want to live as independently as possible.

The ElderWood Lifestyle

With spacious private and semi-private apartments and rooms, plus many patios, lounges and common areas, residents can find both quiet places to relax and active social areas for entertaining family and friends. Residents enjoy three delicious, nutritious meals served every day in our comfortable dining rooms. Also, kitchenettes, available in some apartments, offer convenience for residents who desire to cook their own meals or simply make tea.

Professional Staff With A Caring Touch

ElderWood assisted living residences offer many services to residents who need some assistance with daily activities, including:

24-Hour Staffing and Emergency Response System
Personal Care Assistance (help with bathing, dressing or grooming)
Medication Monitoring
Three Daily Meals
Activities, Outings and Scheduled Transportation
Laundry, Housekeeping and Maintenance services
Licensed Assisted Living Services

ElderWood assisted living residences are licensed by the Department of Health. Being licensed is an advantage to both residents and the assisted living provider because regulatory oversight establishes formal guidelines and regulations to be followed. As a result, residents and their family members can be assured that ElderWood's services are provided with a consistently high level of quality.

Three of ElderWood's residences offer New York's state-certified Assisted Living Program (ALP). This Medicaid-eligible program offers a higher level of assistance to those whose personal care needs meet the program's medical qualifications.

Whether providing assisted living or ALP services, ElderWood residences help each resident enjoy an active lifestyle in a comfortable, secure environment. Every member of the ElderWood staff is dedicated to providing the best care possible.

For more information, request a brochure, or visit ElderWood's assisted living residences.

Wellness Program

In ElderWood's Assisted Living residences, the emphasis is placed on "living".

Residents continue to learn new things and develop mentally, physically and spiritually through our multi-faceted Wellness Program.

Wellness staff weave aspects of the six dimensions of wellness – physical, emotional, social, spiritual, intellectual and vocational – into everyday life at ElderWood Villages. For starters, a "topic of the month" establishes a theme for educational programs and activities. Past topics have included stress management, heart health, dental care, sharp and healthy mind, cancer prevention, fall prevention and proper nutrition. Presentations geared toward these topics include guest speakers from the community as well as in-house staff presentations.

Each residence has established a walking club to promote physical fitness and many residents also participate in senior exercise and toning classes. Outings to museums, malls and shopping centers, churches, financial institutions, restaurants, concerts and shows, art galleries, botanical gardens and many other places help enhance every aspect of residents' wellness while promoting their independence. You can reference the facility's activities calendar located on the back page of the newsletter for a complete list of events.

The wellness concept is practiced throughout each facility through an inter-disciplinary staff approach. In addition to the wellness staff, the resident care and dining staff work closely with residents to promote wellness, whether they're providing helpful tests for blood pressure, sugar or cholesterol levels, or providing some healthy menu choices.

In some residences, staff participate in "theme days" or host "wellness fairs" to provide new information to residents on various topics. In-house services like podiatry and dentistry are available and, through the support of the University of Buffalo, nursing students visiting each residence and offer information, advice and health testing to residents.

ElderWood's wellness program enhances quality of life for each resident by recognizing that people never stop learning. While residents may need some assistance at this time in their lives, they deserve the same respect and opportunities they have always enjoyed. As a new resident moves to an ElderWood residence, he or she will be assessed through a short interview by a wellness staff member to uncover the resident's particular hobbies, interests, backgrounds and physical abilities. This valuable information is then used to plan interesting and relevant programs.

"After being diagnosed with arthritis, Ms. Haefner's doctor suggested exercise. She faithfully attends exercise class everyday, which helps to keep her knees flexible. If she misses an exercise class, she really feels the difference especially in her knees. Her doctor recently told her she "really" looked good."
– Carole Adamczyk, ElderWood Village at Glenwood

"The Wellness Programs keep me informed on the different topics of the month. They are very educational."
– Faye Newman, ElderWood Village at Rosewood
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